Bronze Sponsor


As a Bronze
Sponsor, your company name and logo will be
on the Facebook page,
and on the Annual
Conference page of the
SCAA website. Your company will receive 1 exhibit table and
registration for 1 rep
during the event. Recognition will be displayed throughout the event.


Student Registration- $50

Non-SCAA Member Registration- $150

Platinum Sponsor


As a Platinum Sponsor, your company name and logo will be on the front cover of the promotional brochure mailed to perspective attendees, on event folders, on the Facebook page, on the Annual Conference page of the SCAA website, and on display at lunch and during breaks. Recognition will be displayed during the event. Platinum Sponsor
will receive 1 exhibit table and registrations for 2 reps throughout the event.
Platinum Sponsor will have right of first pick of exhibit table location during event.

Gold Sponsor


As a Gold Sponsor, your company name and logo will be on the front cover of the event folders given to all attendees and on the Facebook page and Annual Conference page of the SCAA website and on display
during breaks. Recognition will be displayed during the event. Gold Sponsor will receive 1 exhibit table and registrations for 1
rep throughout the event.

Last updated 2/21/2024

Platinum Sponsors


Silver Sponsor


As a Silver Sponsor, your company name and logo will be on the
nametags, on the Facebook page, and
on the Annual Conference page of the
SCAA website.
Recognition will be displayed during the
event. Gold Sponsor will receive 1 exhibit table and registrations for 1
rep throughout the event.

Sponsor Level

Thursday Happy Hour- $35

Bronze Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

​South Carolina Academy of Audiology

SCAA Member Registration- $100

Gold Sponsors

South Carolina Academy of Audiology

2024 Annual Conference

March 14-15, 2024

Hilton Columbia Center

Book your hotel rate of $249.00 per night NOW using the link below!

Hilton SCAA Conference


Thursday 8:00 am-5:30 pm

Friday 8:00 am-4:30 pm


Anu Sharma, Ph.D.

Rita Chaiken, Au.D.

Deb Abel, Au.D.

Dr. Wilkerson, M.D.

Heather Strader, Au.D.


Brain Health & Hearing

Cerumen Management

Billing, Coding, and 3rd party Administrators

Neurological Etiologies

Cochlear Implant Update


SCAA Member- $100 
Non-Member- $150

Student Volunteers- Complimentary