​South Carolina Academy of Audiology

Contact Form


If you are interested in serving on one ​of the above committees, please contact us via the Contact Form or the email below. 

​​Email:  scaaudiology@gmail.com

Membership Committee, Chair - TBD

The mission of the Membership Committee is to recruit new members to the organization. In addition, this committee is responsible for surveying the membership when appropriate.

Finance Committee,
Chair - Dr. Jason Wigand      [jpwigand@gmail.com]

The Treasurer shall be Chair of this committee. The mission of the finance committee is to review the financial records of the annual review submitted by the Treasurer. In addition, members will provide support for budgeting and fundraising opportunities or any duties the Executive Committee identifies.

Convention Committee, Chair - Dr. Elizabeth Camposeo 

This President-Elect shall be Chairperson of this committee. The mission of this committee is to plan the annual convention and work with the other committees to inform the membership and keep to the budget.

Subcommittees: Vendor Liaisons and Continuing Education.

Professional Issues Committee, Chair - Dr. Kara Leyzac

The mission of the Professional Issues committee is to keep informed of changes to our industry, disruptive innovations, remain active in advocacy, ensure the morals and ethics of South Carolina audiologists, and bring to attention any important information in government, whether state or federal. Members are to inform the membership of this information by working with the Membership Committee and the Technology Committee.

Subcommittees: Legislative and Government Affairs and Ethics.

Technology Committee,, Chair - Dr. Alexandra Tarvin

The mission of the Technology Committee is to maintain communication with the membership via website, email, and social media. This committee shall create the newsletter with input and/or information from other committees and/or the executive board. Topics can include legislative updates, relative healthcare changes, letter from the President, winners of scholarships/awards, information about the annual conference, etc.

Special Olympics Health Hearing,  Co-directors - Lisa Leen

​Updated: 12/8/2021